The man died trying to kill, the bull killed trying to stay alive

Sad the bullfighter died. Now the bull has to die and all its family (quite probably this already happened). I don’t see a reason to keep this kind of events alive. What’s the reason to have to kill an animal that doesn’t know that the hell is happening. Just by sport?, feeling superior to other species?

It’s not fair, most adults have the ability kill a bull (with a weapon), I don’t see something respectable in fighting a bull that has been bleeding, that was deteriorated before the “fight”, a fight that is expected to lose. The only way to win is to provide a “good” show, but the bull doesn’t know about that, it is not trained to do that and the chances to do it are pretty low. read more

Bloqueos en carreteras, ¿perjudicando al gobierno?

Yo tengo una duda, el bloqueo es para hacer presión al gobierno? Y eso como? Yo me pregunto, el bloqueo en qué forma le afecta al gobernador, al secretario de educación o al presidente.

Más bien creo que afecta al pueblo, todo Tapachula está comprando gasolina porque han bloqueado carreteras, impidiendo el paso de las pipas de combustible. Las gasolineras están haciendo su agosto. Vendiendo a más no poder así que si pensaban que por ese lado le IBAN a pegar al gobierno… Pues no, la gente sigue consumiendo. read more

Acabo de ver un video de un curso online donde hablan sobre GO y la concurrencia…

Uno de los argumentos de la expositora es que como GO hace automáticamente esto tu ya no te debes preocupar, que Go se encargará de aprovechar al maximo los núcleos en tu CPU y que asi evitas que (usando otra cosa aparte de Go), como programas en un lenguaje que no hace esto automático entonces gastarás mas y mas en hardware.

En primera, si es solo un desarrollador que la hace de arquitecto y programador, que toma las desiciones sobre el lenguaje de programación, base de datos y metodos de programación, que por sus tanates decidió no usar concurrencia y no te interesa, entonces bien merecido lo tienes, paga mas por no involucrarte en tu proyecto. read more

So, bash in Windows 10

What can I say?, Microsoft finally accepted that they needed it to be “serious” about servers. I personally hope I won’t ever have to deal with using a server running Windows, not even if it runs bash, although if it is done fine the common “usage” for the user will be fine. I think the problems will come with the underlying platform, I mean Windows by itself, the kernel, the system calls, and the way it handle processes etc..

The surprise… Canonical, the fucking SOLD to Microsoft. My conspiranoic side already had these ideas that Ubuntu and its “convergence” stuff were nothing but the playground to what now is Microsoft Windows 10 Continuum, the scopes, and everything else might be that thing too.

Canonical working with Microsoft is nothing new, they have been working with Microsoft for years to make Ubuntu run as smooth as possible in the Azure framework. But I really think that Canonical is giving itself a shoot in the foot by making Bash to work nice in Windows.

I don’t expect it to run as good as it already does in Linux, bash is good but bash is a shell with a subset of commands (and other programs) but is not Linux.

Unable to login to your wordpress site?

I had this issue today, I was unable to login to my wordpress site. I first thought that “in some way” the password was changed (like that time that I ask “lastpass” to generate new passwords) but still with the new password I was unable to log in.

I made the change in database directly, then used wp_set_password (‘password’, $ID) in wp-themes/theme/functions.php with no luck :-(.

The problem was pretty… baffling, there was a plugin conflict that prevent me to log in to the admin area. 

I think login to the admin area should be one of those things that you should be able to do no matter if there is a plugin error, and those errors which should not be able to ‘crash’ the site in any way.

So, if you have  similar issue, not being able to login to the wp-admin area even if the password is correct try this:

  • Login to the server in a way you can handle files (FTP, Webdisk, SSH)
  • Go to your wordpress installation, more precisely to the wp-content folder.
  • Move/rename the plugins folder, let’s say plugins.bkp
  • Login to your wordpress wp-admin area.
  • If you were able to login, then go to the plugins area, you’ll see a bunch of notifications about every plugin that was active now is deactivated because the lack of the files.
  • Now move/rename the plugins.bkp folder back to ‘plugins’.
  • Reload the plugins page
  • Iterate over every plugin, one by one, until you discover the one that is in conflict.
    1. You’ll know that something is wrong with the plugin activation, in my case there was an “Are you sure?” question page, and after hitting “YES” the plugin was not activated, I had to repeat the steps 3-7 and avoid that last plugin (one before the one that raised the “Are you sure?” question.
    2. read more

  • Técnicamente, eres un p**dejo si compras cosas en dólares

    Lo que estos cuates suponen es que todo, absolutamente TODO lo que compras está hecho en méxico y con materiales 100% nacionales. Y que todos y absolutamente TODOS los mexicanos estamos en la misma onda.

    México no es un lugar donde se consuman bienes de otros lados, nada que pensar de consumir cosas como televisores, computadoras, videojuegos, carros (aunque muchos son manufacturados en méxico), o gasolina, asi de fácil, que si no toda la gran mayoría se refina en el extranjero. Eso es lo que piensan o quieren hacer creer al público.

    Tal vez de verdad piensan que su público está realmente amolado y no puede aspirar a eso, a comprar bienes que son importados y deben conformarse con solo lo que hay aquí en México y si no lo hay nacional pues como lo importado es muy caro, no, mejor no lo compres.

    Es una cadena, si por el dólar la gasolina sube, bueno, los transportistas subirán sus cuotas, si suben las cuotas de transporte entonces esos productos que se mueven con los transportistas subirán también, los vendedores entonces tendrán que aumentar sus precios para poder asimilar el nuevo precio, el que terminará pagando mas es el consumidor final y díganme si esto no es algo que le afecte a su economía si aunque el dólar sigue subiendo su salario no sube y por ende, le alcanza para menos.

    Creo que lo mejor que pueden hacer es ignorar a este par que en primera les pagaron para decir eso y en segunda su publico les vale madre al tratar de hacerles ver una realidad que no es. El precio del dólar si afecta a la economía familiar.


    De verdad, espero que lo logren, pero de verdad lo deseo.

    Solo recuerden que nadie más lo va a hacer por ustedes y que si fallan la culpa no la tiene  nadie más que ustedes. Si lo quieren hacer háganse el tiempo, sacrifíquense y háganlo. No pongan pretextos ni culpen a la falta de voluntad/tiempo. Solo háganlo.

    Ps. Imagen de pictoline, hagan click en ella para ir al post original.

    Trying the new wordpress desktop app

    Basically looks like the site in a frame. And there is one thing that needs to improve, something that needs to change also in the mobile app (iPhone, iPad and possibly in Android too): Integration.

    Yes, wordpress needs to integrate with the system, WordPress is by many people used as a CMS more than a blogging system. Many “news” sites use wordpress, maybe they do need to enter to the desktop/web app to write all that stuff, but others use wordpress as a simple blog system.

    In a simple blog system not always things are big posts, maybe you just want to share some pictures.

    Maybe you want to share just one picture. Maybe you just want to do a quick share.

    I mean, is good and other apps like blogo might be wondering what to do with this new official app, what would be the added value that a user will make it use blogo instead of wordpress desktop app, but still, to me a killer feature would be: Integration with the system.

    Have you been in tumblr?, I bet you did. There are lots blogs to share (pr0n) gifs, they do the “reblog” feature that I like a lot, in wordpress it is called “press it” and that is nice, having an integration with the system would be awesome, that would really make it a “desktop” app.

    There is a way to post by sending an email, and that’s also great, but not having to rely on your email to share an image is great, something like this can make the trick.

    I hope this feature to be added soon in both, the desktop and mobile apps.

    Saving the fighting bull

    In Mexico more and more states are making illegal the bullfight, but the Spanish bullfighting in which the bull is killed and mutilated if it was good for the show.

    I do condemn that kind of events just because there’s animal abuse. Many people call it an “art” but there’s not any that could be it. First because even when the fighting bull is aggressive by instinct it’s not a reason to kill it. Lions are aggressive, hippos are aggressive and killing one is not allowed in many places, you need a specific permission and to be in the season to do it by sport (and I disagree killing animals by sport), not by mere art. 

    Some people states that those animals exists because of that show, if the show ends then they are doomed to extinction. So be it. To me it’s preferable that a specie became extinct instead of making them reproduce to kill them in a show.

    But I’m pretty sure that even if the bull fights became illegal in the whole world that race of Bulls will not be erased fro the earth. I mean, there are lots of species that are in risk of extinction and there are efforts to preserve them, being in natural conditions or in a zoo. 

    I’m pretty happy that in Mexico that kind of shows are getting forbidden.

    Now what about the use of animals for our meals… I think that’s cruel too. We need to get the nutrition and flavor from somewhere else. I hope projects like “Soylent” become more and more popular and allows us to forget about killing animals for meat. Also, help places where food is scarce.

    What do you think about bull fighting ?. Let me know in the comments.