You can open HEIF/HEIC in macOS preview, but you can’t save in such format.
You can open HEIF/HEIC in macOS preview, but you can’t save in such format.
I’m not sure if this applies to Beta but at least for Chrome 57 it does. You can usually check the certificate information on Chrome when clickin on the “Secure” word before “https” even if it is not secure (self-signed certificate, sources form unsecure sources) you are able to see the certificate by clicking it and then in the menu click in the “view details” button.
Well, in Chrome 57 it is not there.
So, if the “view details” button is no longer there, where can I see the certificate information?. well, you have to open the developer console, there is the “security” tab and there is the information related to the certificate.
WTF is OS X Mountain Lion logo doing in the macOS Sierra?
Looks pretty dark, but nice.
I was looking for rar applications on the App Store, and I saw that WinZip was there, although the price was scaring knowing that OS X have a built in compress/decompress feature, no need to use WinZip, still, knowing that maybe some Windows nostalgic user wants to the WinZip app it would be better to have a lower price (even a free version). Why bother in paying a $99USD developer license if your app will probably sell 0 licenses.
Which remind me this:
Just a small post about TripMode a small app (and kernel extension) that helps a lot to control which program is having access to internet, not only incoming connections but more importantly outgoing when you are on a limited connection.
Since a little more than a month I’ve moved to a place where the internet connection was not that good. I used do have 20Mb/s connection and was working perfectly fine, but when I moved here.. well.. the internet was pretty unstable and the bandwidth was like with dial-up modems.
Apple have this chrome extension so you can sync your Safari favourites with Chrome, but it is designed to run on Windows 7/8, bad luck for those that use OS X and prefer to use Chrome.
I also use Safari, but for my day to day I use chrome because of the extensions. If Safari could add good extensions that would be great!
So, as soon as I connect my iPad/iPhone dropbox starts growing in memory consumption. I don’t know what is happening, maybe Dropbox is putting all those files in RAM for indexing but not releasing them.
If you have the same issue, please upvote this thread in the Dropbox Forums: Despite reinstall Dropbox quite with error code 3
Thats the subject that Apple send to me to basically say “we are about to charge more for your basic iCloud storage”. Indeed the price is lower, before I payed around $12MXN for 20GB of storage barely $0.6 MXN per GB, now I’ll pay $0.34 MXN, but I’ll pay a more at the end.
I have no problem so far because $17MXN is barely $1USD… a month. But is a curious subject 😉
Since I start using OS X I’ve never been a “spotlight” user. Althought it is there and never really used it as my daily driver, for some time I used QuickSilver because when I was using Linux I used GNOME do, but then I switched to Alfred. The main reason is that is super fast and let me execute custom commands from a couple of key strokes.
Time machine is one of those great thing that OS X have, it have saved me from reinstalling everything by hand when I experiment with my computer, making a full backup (including system, applications, configurations, etc..) helps me to erase the SSD whenever I want without worrying me about missing files. Even if you don’t want to erase your hard drive, maybe it just died, having a backup will have your system in the same way it was, just like if nothing ever happened.
But, also, Time Machine is a space consuming thing, because we create a lot of files, most of them gets backed up (for instance, I don’t backup the Download folder or the virtual machines) and when you upgrade your system a big backup is made. So, it’s easy to fill a disk
The main problem when compiling is the tons of disk access that compile involves from compiling, linking, stripping etc… if you have a regular hard disk you know this may take a lot of time, most if the project is large. If you have an SSD the problem is not the speed, but still the lots of read/write access even when SSDs are pretty much more reliable that they were years ago.
OS X El Capitan system upgrade screen
Let you delete one finder instance from one of your screens, with this you may dedicate one screen to full screen apps only and the other for the rests. It’s pretty annoying to have finder selected in the secondary screen but since it is an “extension” of your primary desktop you see no icons, so, Finder can use both screens but it won’t change to the whole desktop when you select finder.
This is in first place inconsistent, and may be useless when you want to select some file from the desktop and the finder “part” that is visible is in the secondary screen. Putting the same desktop icons in both screens would definitively help, having only one desktop would be great!.
I’ve recently post about my laptop having almost 4 years, also, if you follow me in twitter/facebook you know my rants about the OS X FS (HFS+) issues related to the IO. Many people have recommended to me to use an SSD disk, I hadn’t basically because of two factors: First, I’m kind of afraid to data loss because the lifespan of the SSD and the price.
Well, I finally put one of this things inside my computer and I’m really happy, let’s see how long this happiness last, I hope at least two years.
We recently saw the demonstration that evolution is more powerful than anything, natural selection doing its work.
Apple released the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, two phones with bigger screens than the previous iPhones. The iPhone 5 was a mark because for long time Apple said that the 3.5″ was just perfect and nobody needed a bigger phone, when they increased the iPhone 5 screen they did only in the height so you can still get to the edge of the screen with the thumb. So, what happens with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?.