
Just a small post about TripMode a small app (and kernel extension) that helps a lot to control which program is having access to internet, not only incoming connections but more importantly outgoing when you are on a limited connection.

Since a little more than a month I’ve moved to a place where the internet connection was not that good. I used do have 20Mb/s connection and was working perfectly fine, but when I moved here.. well.. the internet was pretty unstable and the bandwidth was like with dial-up modems. read more

I’m getting used to this

I know I said 3D touch is not the thing, but is handy. Of course, I’m used to the usual way to do things (entering to the app and then hit the action button) and I expect the apps really make use of this technology, I hope.

And talking about the device, It’s great, as you can see in my flickr photostream I’ve been using it for a couple of weeks now, pictures are great although with the bandwidth I have here (near to Guatemala) is hard to upload several pictures, not to mention videos. But pictures are fine, about 2MB in size and look definitively great (I still want my DSLR camera). In terms of performance, you can watch several videos about the 6S performance in youtube. Its also great, reloading apps happens not to often, sometimes it’s barely noticeable, sometimes it is but almost all time you won’t notice. read more

Apple, Why U NO Let me use your extension in Chrome?

Apple have this chrome extension so you can sync your Safari favourites with Chrome, but it is designed to run on Windows 7/8, bad luck for those that use OS X and prefer to use Chrome.

I also use Safari, but for my day to day I use chrome because of the extensions. If Safari could add good extensions that would be great!

Is 3D Touch really a thing ?

I don’t think so.

I mean, to me is definitively not something that really changes the way you interact with your phone, well, it does if your interaction is with an iPhone, but in android we have something similar, the long press witch helps you to achieve the exact same thing. 

There are some other gestures like the double tap and swipe up/down in chrome to zoom in and out. So for me not something that useful, new yes, valuable yes,  useful yes, the thing…. No. read more

Saving the fighting bull

In Mexico more and more states are making illegal the bullfight, but the Spanish bullfighting in which the bull is killed and mutilated if it was good for the show.

I do condemn that kind of events just because there’s animal abuse. Many people call it an “art” but there’s not any that could be it. First because even when the fighting bull is aggressive by instinct it’s not a reason to kill it. Lions are aggressive, hippos are aggressive and killing one is not allowed in many places, you need a specific permission and to be in the season to do it by sport (and I disagree killing animals by sport), not by mere art.  read more

Deleting old time machine backups

Time machine is one of those great thing that OS X have, it have saved me from reinstalling everything by hand when I experiment with my computer, making a full backup (including system, applications, configurations, etc..) helps me to erase the SSD whenever I want without worrying me about missing files. Even if you don’t want to erase your hard drive, maybe it just died, having a backup will have your system in the same way it was, just like if nothing ever happened.

But, also, Time Machine is a space consuming thing, because we create a lot of files, most of them gets backed up (for instance, I don’t backup the Download folder or the virtual machines) and when you upgrade your system a big backup is made. So, it’s easy to fill a disk read more