Who Invented the iPhone? (It Wasn’t Steve Jobs) – You really need to watch this

Wonderful production, things that maybe you don’t know.

And is interesting so you can understand how hard is to build a product like the iPhone, that given today, other companies are still copying. You don’t believe me?, look at what the iPhone 11 looks like and what the Pixel 4 looks like.

iPhone 10 ditches finger print to unlock phone (Touch ID) and replaces it with Face unlock… then, there is facial unlock in Pixel phones!!.

iPhone 10 presents a notch display.. every new phone comes with a notch display!. read more

Things that can make macOS better

I use macOS as the main OS in my computer, actually the only one in my personal computer, but I have other computers with Linux as desktop too, but macOS is the one that I use the most. And over the time I have learned how to get more from the OS as the default installation.

For example, I currently don’t use Spotlight, I use another tool called “Alfred” you all might know it.

Alfred > Spotlight

Spotlight was a good thing back in the days were it was basically a search tool for the OS living in the corner, where nobody looks. But it was not good as a some sort of launcher, and having all my apps in the Dock was not a good idea. Then Alfred arrived and it came with other functionality like workflows and search in places where spotlight just don’t do, also the fuzzy word search (like GC and expect to get Google Chrome) works very well. read more

I’ve changed my keyboard

After a couple of years my Apple “Magic” keyboard started to fail, there is just one key that is failing but is a very important key… the “Left Shift” key.

It is a very important key since a lot of key shortcuts depend on it, and I had to get a new keyboard for just one key. Maybe if a complete row was malfunctioning I could feel a bit less frustrated, but one key.. one freaking key..

#Apple have a #serious 2FA issue


I have two factor authentication for my Apple ID, the problem is that any device with my Apple ID is able to get the code for the 2FA, so, if I try to log in in the computer it will prompt the code… in the same computer I’m trying to log in !!!

To me this is an issue, what’s the point of having 2FA if the code appears right in the device where I’m trying to log in?. It must appear on any other device except the one I have in front of me.


Apple HomePod review  // A downgraded Siri with really nice speakers that plays only from Apple Sources

Although I’m pretty sure people is going to buy this thing, I bet it will be more like the big Apple book, expensive and not worth it.

I think something like this would be better: Kaiser MSA-7908BTE Kit de Bafle Amplificador Inalámbrico con Bluetooth y Micrófono, 4,200 W, color negro

I mean, why you would get a speaker?. To listen to Music/movies, and lets face it, Apple is not the main source of them. Spotify is the king of music streaming, YouTube is the king of video streaming, but HomePod have no integration with them.

Of course, you can “airplay” to it, but, does it makes any difference with other speakers?. no, actually, other smart speakers are better because they are independent of the source device.

The speaker is by itself pretty nice, have nice tech, but, only for Apple Music, seriously?.

Then, Siri is pretty downgraded. It cannot be used as a smart speaker because Siri is pretty dump. As dump as fuck since it cannot distinguish between your voice or anyone else voice. The recommendation is to disable personal stuff on HomePod. Siri can’t answer typical questions that you would do in your phone, and of course, it cannot get you toilet paper from Amazon (like Alexa does).

So, I would value more a super cheap Bluetooth Speaker that anybody can connect (either with an iPhone or with the cheapest china phone running KitKat), able to connect to my TV to have a more loud movies, or able to connect a couple of mics to have karaoke in the party and just for a few dollars.

A Message to Our Customers – Apple

To clearly see the lie around here, Apple says the issue comes from unexpected shutdowns in iDevices because the battery couldn’t keep the load to power the CPU. So, the battery is defective, but they wanted to hide that by reducing the clock speed of the CPU so it won’t use that much power and they don’t have to apply warranties to the users.

I don’t know how is a good user experience that as soon as my iPad upgraded to iOS 11 it became super sluggish while in iOS 10 was kind of fast. To me that is not a good user experience. No mention that downgrading to iOS 10 is not a super simple task.

A nicer user experience is letting the user know the battery is faulty, and because of that the user should take the device to maintenance. I have never experience sudden shutdowns in my iPad but is super slow (most noticeably in the keyboard). Why it must be underpowered?

  • Early in 2018, we will issue an iOS software update with new features that give users more visibility into the health of their iPhone’s battery, so they can see for themselves if its condition is affecting performance.

So… As far as I understand, Apple won’t let you disable that “feature” of under clock the CPU in order to hide the battery age. But you will know if your battery if faulty and Apple is doing “the right thing”.

Source: A Message to Our Customers – Apple

Having a third screen with the MBP 


  • Samsung screen: The usual VGA/HDMI adapter
  • iPad: Using DuetDisplay

Although there are some performance issues with Duet, to display text (which is what I do) is just fine. Now I can have the browser, the IDE (PyCharm if you are wondering) and iTerm 2.

Since is another screen attached to the laptop you can use it to display any other thing that is being processed by your main computer, and can move apps between the screens with no problem at all.

I don’t like it

There’s no option to remove that option!! As stupid as it sound.

I’m not a fan of one hand keyboard although in glad the option is there for whoever needs it. But there should be a way to remove those three buttons that are placed where the emoji keyboard option was !!

  • Hey dude, what if you need to type with one hand?

Lucky for me, my thumb can reach the other side of the screen easily, that’s one reason I choose iPhone 6S and not he 6s plus which is bigger.

Anyone here with the golden Master knows if there is an option for that ??

Do you have more than one iDevice, install iOS Beta in one of them

Of course install it on a non-primary, non-daily-driver device because as far as I can tell, is unstable and slow, not what you’d expect from a stable release, but hey, you know that, it’s beta software.

So, why install it??, as far as Beta 3 it’s kind of usable with some minor glitches and slow response of the keyboard, but you’ll get the updates and will known when it is ready for you to use with your iPhone or daily-drive device.

You can get used to the mayor changes that it introduces… did you know that the keyboard layout for non-letters keys changed??

Do you already have it?? What’s your favorite feature?? Please comment 

Is it worth the price?… – No

And it won’t be for the next five years, do you remember when the first MacBook Pro Retina display was launched?, do you remember the price?, that was four years ago! and is still pretty expensive, (more than $20K pesos (more than $1000 USD) for the cheapest model which is not the 2016 one.