Having a third screen with the MBP 


  • Samsung screen: The usual VGA/HDMI adapter
  • iPad: Using DuetDisplay

Although there are some performance issues with Duet, to display text (which is what I do) is just fine. Now I can have the browser, the IDE (PyCharm if you are wondering) and iTerm 2.

Since is another screen attached to the laptop you can use it to display any other thing that is being processed by your main computer, and can move apps between the screens with no problem at all.

So, I put the firmware password in my Mac and the I forgot it ?

Well, not really forgotten, the thing is that I was unable to access to recovery or boot to another disk (like the recovery in time machine disks) because the Mac have the firmware password.

Why a firmware password?. Well, to protect your machine in case of being stolen/lost. The password will stop the boot process if the boot disk is not the one that was present when the password was set. Also stop booting to recovery/USB/Super Drive.

This firmware plus FileVault (disk encryption) will prevent getting your data or use your mac without permission.  read more