I like to take pictures to trees/flowers/plants, they are naturally beautiful and those pictures are great as wallpapers.
No hay fotos en ningún álbum, no hay fotos en la “papelera”, sin embargo la app de fotos aun consume más de medio GB…
Como bonus… la última vez que use la app fue en 2020??
There is a reason for that. Python is
call.You can find some of those in another languages, but not all achieve that.
Python is now the fastest-growing major programming language, according to Stack Overflow.
Source: Java, JavaScript, C#? No, Python is the fastest growing programming language | ZDNet
Like every new Apple product announcements
While writing this note, a I got a call and the share window just went to the limbo… another thing to fix by Apple ? Maybe it is a WordPress fail?
There’s no option to remove that option!! As stupid as it sound.
I’m not a fan of one hand keyboard although in glad the option is there for whoever needs it. But there should be a way to remove those three buttons that are placed where the emoji keyboard option was !!
Lucky for me, my thumb can reach the other side of the screen easily, that’s one reason I choose iPhone 6S and not he 6s plus which is bigger.
Anyone here with the golden Master knows if there is an option for that ??
Xiaomi made a beautiful phone, with a huge screen in a relatively small body, with a ceramic back that is resistant to scratches.. what can be wrong??.. well, ceramic is not that good when hitting the floor.
Is not that I’m getting it or not getting it because of this, I’m not fan of Xiaomi nor fan of anything that uses a heavily modified Android, just because updates are… well.. let’s say that updates are not that good in something different than vanilla android.
Cafecito listo… a darle
The car was leaking coolant. Spent time: 2.5 hours. Money spent: $150 MXN (~7.5USD).
The artist
Vagrant is a popular solution to isolate your development environment, while there are many images to use with vagrant the most popular is an Ubuntu server image cooked by HashiCorp. Although with the current computer specs having a virtual machine that uses 512MB in RAM is almost nothing (I bet Google Chrome is wasting more than that now) if you are like me you don’t like to have a Virtual Machine wasting resources.
The main reason of why vagrant images uses that amount of RAM is because they don’t have SWAP, so, if your program/script is using more RAM than what is in the VM the program/script is killed.
You can add a SWAP file by using dd
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=655360 $ chmod 00600 /swapfile $ swapon -a
Then add it to /etc/fstab
. Pretty simple, but you have a big file that may or may not be used in totality.
A better approach is to use swapspace
daemon, it will create a swap space that will grow/shrink as needed. You can install the service in your VM if you already have it working or, add this to your Vagrantfile
to have it done automagically.
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "sudo apt install swapspace -y"
If you do this with a VM already working just shut it down, use vagrant up --provision
to run the provision instruction and you are done!.
Having a Swap space allows you to reduce the amount of RAM dedicated to your VM.
A couple of days ago I got the flex for the focus mechanism in my 18-55 camera lens, but in my lack of experience I didn’t do a god job, the focus moved, and the camera tried to focus (it really tries) but the image remained blurry. So I had to put the flex in place again, the first attempt was not perfect. In order to do this. Here some pictures.
I started to use vagrant to hold my development environment, it helps to keep the development environment isolated, since the app will run on a Linux server, with a specific database engine and probably some other specific modules, I don’t want to clutter my OS with all that stuff. More if I plan to work on another project that maybe, have a dependency on other versions of the same base (legacy Django perhaps?)
I have a problem with my camera, there’s a small cable that is flexible and helps to get the autofocus working, the problem is that with the time and usage the flex got broken, and then autofocus stop working.
I ask a friend that is very skilled soldering stuff, he usually repair broken motherboards, I asked if he could join the flex, he told me that he can, he would charge $300MXN (about $16.5 USD) to do the job. I found in mercadolibre (similar to eBay) the same flex I needed for $150 (about $8.3USD). So, I bought one and my goal was trying to fix the lens by myself.
The good part, I have everything needed, a really small Phillips screwdriver, the one used for the iPhone screws is just fine, a small Phillips is required too, and tons of patience.
The good part, I learned how to disassemble this lens, is quite simple once you understand it. I removed the damaged flex and put the new one in place.
The bad part, the flex was not exactly in place, so, focus is not working, I mean, it moves, but getting something in focus takes a lot of time.
The challenging part… fix it without asking for a new flex (although they are pretty cheap).
Some pictures for the memories.