Carreras de transformación en Grand Theft Auto V

Me salió en Doom para PS4
Just leaving this video on my blog, I liked a lot the last fight on Min. 33.ç
It’s a pretty fast game and I like that, I just feel it would be better to have a quick respawn, maybe a GTAV like (hitting X for faster respawn).
And it was just 2 dollars in the PS Store, I remembered that time when I used to play a similar game called Arkanoid for the NES.
Wanna get it.. buy it on your PS4 or here
Some stunt races on GTA V
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Source: YouTube
I really enjoyed this game, I finished it about a month ago and I can say that the detail in this game is awesome considering that the main purpose of a game is to entertain.
The Story is awesome, this is the first time I played one of the games of the Uncharted saga and the previous games have to be as good as this one in the story part.
Highly recommended if you have a PS4 and want to play a game some kind of similar to what Tomb Raider is, although I think this is better.
Por si alguien me quiere agregar: @markuzmx en PSN
I recently had a chance to get a new PS4, the Slim version, I also have the PS4 3rd gen (Super Slim) version. In both consoles I have Destiny which I rarely play in the PS3 but I’ve been doing regularly in the PS4, but more importantly GTAV.
I played GTAV a lot in the PS3 I ended the story mode and reached level 62 in Multiplayer. I stop playing multiplayer when I came here to Tapachula because Internet sucks here (Big thanks to you Telmex) whenever I try to connect online a timeout occurs in PS3, but in PS4 the connection is quite fast and stable, I’m able even to communicate via microphone with my 2Mb connection I have in home (now you see?, Telmex sucks!).
Streaming my game for the first time!