Things that can make macOS better

I use macOS as the main OS in my computer, actually the only one in my personal computer, but I have other computers with Linux as desktop too, but macOS is the one that I use the most. And over the time I have learned how to get more from the OS as the default installation.

For example, I currently don’t use Spotlight, I use another tool called “Alfred” you all might know it.

Alfred > Spotlight

Spotlight was a good thing back in the days were it was basically a search tool for the OS living in the corner, where nobody looks. But it was not good as a some sort of launcher, and having all my apps in the Dock was not a good idea. Then Alfred arrived and it came with other functionality like workflows and search in places where spotlight just don’t do, also the fuzzy word search (like GC and expect to get Google Chrome) works very well. read more

I’ve changed my keyboard

After a couple of years my Apple “Magic” keyboard started to fail, there is just one key that is failing but is a very important key… the “Left Shift” key.

It is a very important key since a lot of key shortcuts depend on it, and I had to get a new keyboard for just one key. Maybe if a complete row was malfunctioning I could feel a bit less frustrated, but one key.. one freaking key..

How many windows devices do you have?

In my office, how many computers runs Unix or Linux.

  • Two computers
    • One runs Linux
    • One runs macOS

    Three cellphones

    • Two runs Android (4.3 and 5.0.1)
    • One runs iOS 9

    One Tablet

    • iOS 9


    One (good old) Linksys WRG54G

    • Linux

    If I count all my house devices, I need to add two more iPads, one iPhone and one Apple TV.  Windows free home ?.