A look into Caldera Open Linux… really nice memories.

One of my favorite distros for the time I started to use Linux.

My very first (usable) bistro was Corel Linux but when I got Caldera Linux in one of those PC-Magazine CDs I really love it. Unfortunately it was a demo CD so after a while I have to format the PC and reinstall to continue using it.

At that time I was neither a fan of KDE or Gnome (which was in its very early stages). KDE was more developed though, and that’s why most distros have it as the default desktop environment.

It was until I’ve got a Mandrake 7.2 (I think it came in Todo Linux Magazine) that I started to use GNOME, I think it was around 2000.

As you can see, KDE at that time had a lot of the features that we enjoy today. Virtual Desktops, a configurable top menu bar, a fully functional file browser, an internet browser but not it was not limited to just the browser, it already came with many other internet features like email and FTP clients.

By this time I though that Linux was years ahead in the Desktop environment, today I can say the same.


Why new Android is called ” Android 10″?

Why new Android is called Android 10?

A simple way to get a bit more for Android, using a number is good, make it 10 sounds official! like the Ten Commandments.

They probably claim that Android 10 is the 10th release of Android, but they would be skipping minor version that were actually released as major versions.

Do you remember Android 1.5 (cupcake) -> 1.6 (Donut) or in the 2.X.. (Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread), 4.X (Ice cream sandwich, Jelly Bean).

So, current releases are this:

  1. Android 1.5: Android Cupcake
  2. Android 1.6: Android Donut
  3. Android 2.0: Android Eclair
  4. Android 2.2: Android Froyo
  5. Android 2.3: Android Gingerbread
  6. Android 3.0: Android Honeycomb
  7. Android 4.0: Android Ice Cream Sandwich
  8. Android 4.1 to 4.3.1: Android Jelly Bean
  9. Android 4.4 to 4.4.4: Android KitKat
  10. Android 5.0 to 5.1.1: Android Lollipop
  11. Android 6.0 to 6.0.1: Android Marshmallow
  12. Android 7.0 to 7.1: Android Nougat
  13. Android 8.0 to Android 8.1: Android Oreo
  14. Android 9.0: Android Pie

Android 10 should be 15 instead of 10. ‘Cuz 10 Sounds Official!!


AF_UNIX comes to Windows – Windows Command Line Tools For Developers

Short story… Microsoft have this NEED to support Linux because of the “cloud” infrastructure it have. A big chunk of azure instances run Linux instead of Windows and they are porting Linux/Unix tools to Windows (eg. Bash for Windows, etc.) to keep Windows relevant in this field.

So, Microsoft Developers are having a pain in the ass doing this ports because Windows doesn’t support AF_UNIX sockets, BSD and Linux have long time supporting them; and even when Microsoft have something kind of similar called “pipes” there are differences that make really hard to do such ports.

Remember fellas, is not that Microsoft is Loving Linux, they are embracing, you know what’s next.

Of course they are in the right to do such thing… but is your call to use Windows, a closed source operating system, or just keep using your favorite Linux distribution.


Source: AF_UNIX comes to Windows – Windows Command Line Tools For Developers
