Is 3D Touch really a thing ?

I don’t think so.

I mean, to me is definitively not something that really changes the way you interact with your phone, well, it does if your interaction is with an iPhone, but in android we have something similar, the long press witch helps you to achieve the exact same thing. 

There are some other gestures like the double tap and swipe up/down in chrome to zoom in and out. So for me not something that useful, new yes, valuable yes,  useful yes, the thing…. No.


Racking Mac Pros by imgix


heavy breathing

imgix is an image processing and delivery service that provides a supremely flexible, high performance, ultra–reliable solution to the problem of serving images on the modern internet. We operate our own hardware, run our own datacenters, and manage our own network infrastructure. At imgix‘s scale, maximizing efficiency and performance in image processing is critical for success. For this reason, we decided to incorporate Mac Pros in planning the build of our next generation image renderers. Because no existing Mac Pro server rack suited our needs, we designed and built our own.

Source: Racking Mac Pros by imgix


You know what would be great for the Mission Control?

mixedLet you delete one finder instance from one of your screens, with this you may dedicate one screen to full screen apps only and the other for the rests. It’s pretty annoying to have finder selected in the secondary screen but since it is an “extension” of your primary desktop you see no icons, so, Finder can use both screens but it won’t change to the whole desktop when you select finder.

This is in first place inconsistent, and may be useless when you want to select some file from the desktop and the finder “part” that is visible is in the secondary screen. Putting the same desktop icons in both screens would definitively help, having only one desktop would be great!.



Almost 4

This is my computer, for personal and work stuff and is almost four years old, maybe if you own apple product for more time that I’ve done this doesn’t mean nothing, but to me it is, being a PC user for most of my life I’ve never been with a computer this long, the desktops were obsoletes ant the laptops broken, basically from the keyboard.

So, I really love this computer.

from Flickr


It’s evolution baby


We recently saw the demonstration that evolution is more powerful than anything, natural selection doing its work.

Apple released the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, two phones with bigger screens than the previous iPhones. The iPhone 5 was a mark because for long time Apple said that the 3.5″ was just perfect and nobody needed a bigger phone, when they increased the iPhone 5 screen they did only in the height so you can still get to the edge of the screen with the thumb. So, what happens with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?.

Well, turns out that the public has spoken, the same thing happened with the iPad, people wanted a small screen and the iPad was suffering in sells because a lot of 7″ tablets were selling like hell (kindle, Nexus, Galaxy… name it) and even when the iPad was selling it was clear that they (Apple) needed a similar device to compete. The same happens with the iPhone, to many people, having a bigger screen in the Phone is a deal, but more importantly, having multiple phone sizes to please more people is the deal to the company. That’s why Samsung have a bunch of devices, from 2.5″ to more than 5″.

Also, Apple had to develop the iWatch. I do believe that this is something just to be in the wave, the Apple watch doesn’t offer anything better than the smartphone could do, neither the other wearables do, and was the opportunity to stay firm in creating products that do provide value to the user experience, not just something to get part of the pie.

I wonder where the computers department would go, in the operating system area there are already some changes, to me OS X Yosemite’s features didn’t required all that facelift, Mavericks looks a lot more pro than Windows or any Linux desktop, no need to move the icons, it’s perfect they wanted to add features like file tags, continuity (with iOS8), the new notification area, getting more integrated with iCloud etc.. but why changing the user interface?. To me transparencies should be in the past. I just hope that the hardware don’t get to big, like Alienware, or plastic.

