My keyboard is giving me issues

Sometimes the lowercase “d” does not work, curiously the uppercase do, which makes me think this may be an issue with the logic board.

I’ve already cleaned it with isopropyl alcohol, it’s working fine now ???

[tags: keyboard, my stuff, apple keyboard ]
[category: Personal]

Acabo de ver un video de un curso online donde hablan sobre GO y la concurrencia…

Uno de los argumentos de la expositora es que como GO hace automáticamente esto tu ya no te debes preocupar, que Go se encargará de aprovechar al maximo los núcleos en tu CPU y que asi evitas que (usando otra cosa aparte de Go), como programas en un lenguaje que no hace esto automático entonces gastarás mas y mas en hardware.

En primera, si es solo un desarrollador que la hace de arquitecto y programador, que toma las desiciones sobre el lenguaje de programación, base de datos y metodos de programación, que por sus tanates decidió no usar concurrencia y no te interesa, entonces bien merecido lo tienes, paga mas por no involucrarte en tu proyecto. read more

Back to the Mac 

It’s alive !! Although with issues, right now (and in the picture) the battery is not charging, actually, for the system it is not present. I think the problem might be a fuse that burned, I as thinking that the power center was defective and was not providing enough power to charge the battery, but more probably the issue is with the fuse and the SMC is preventing the power to reach the logic board, then battery is not charging.

So, under normal operation the battery is not charging and the power supply is not providing any energy, how is that the computer is on?. No, is not on the leftover of the battery. read more

So, bash in Windows 10

What can I say?, Microsoft finally accepted that they needed it to be “serious” about servers. I personally hope I won’t ever have to deal with using a server running Windows, not even if it runs bash, although if it is done fine the common “usage” for the user will be fine. I think the problems will come with the underlying platform, I mean Windows by itself, the kernel, the system calls, and the way it handle processes etc..

The surprise… Canonical, the fucking SOLD to Microsoft. My conspiranoic side already had these ideas that Ubuntu and its “convergence” stuff were nothing but the playground to what now is Microsoft Windows 10 Continuum, the scopes, and everything else might be that thing too.

Canonical working with Microsoft is nothing new, they have been working with Microsoft for years to make Ubuntu run as smooth as possible in the Azure framework. But I really think that Canonical is giving itself a shoot in the foot by making Bash to work nice in Windows.

I don’t expect it to run as good as it already does in Linux, bash is good but bash is a shell with a subset of commands (and other programs) but is not Linux.

Unable to login to your wordpress site?

I had this issue today, I was unable to login to my wordpress site. I first thought that “in some way” the password was changed (like that time that I ask “lastpass” to generate new passwords) but still with the new password I was unable to log in.

I made the change in database directly, then used wp_set_password (‘password’, $ID) in wp-themes/theme/functions.php with no luck :-(.

The problem was pretty… baffling, there was a plugin conflict that prevent me to log in to the admin area. 

I think login to the admin area should be one of those things that you should be able to do no matter if there is a plugin error, and those errors which should not be able to ‘crash’ the site in any way.

So, if you have  similar issue, not being able to login to the wp-admin area even if the password is correct try this:

  • Login to the server in a way you can handle files (FTP, Webdisk, SSH)
  • Go to your wordpress installation, more precisely to the wp-content folder.
  • Move/rename the plugins folder, let’s say plugins.bkp
  • Login to your wordpress wp-admin area.
  • If you were able to login, then go to the plugins area, you’ll see a bunch of notifications about every plugin that was active now is deactivated because the lack of the files.
  • Now move/rename the plugins.bkp folder back to ‘plugins’.
  • Reload the plugins page
  • Iterate over every plugin, one by one, until you discover the one that is in conflict.
    1. You’ll know that something is wrong with the plugin activation, in my case there was an “Are you sure?” question page, and after hitting “YES” the plugin was not activated, I had to repeat the steps 3-7 and avoid that last plugin (one before the one that raised the “Are you sure?” question.
    2. read more

  • Reason number 8765432567543 to avoid WhatsApp

    Say you are using WhatsApp web… in first place, what the fuck!! whatsap web? where is the fucking native app?. Ok, you are using that crap.

    But you have to have your phone connected to whatsapp in order for it to work!!! NO FUCKING KIDDING ME!! what is the point of having a web version already connected to the fucking service if you need to have your phone connected  too.

    Take for comparison another Instant messengers:


  • Free (Open Source and you can use the service for free)
  • Mobile app (iOS, Android, Windows Phone)
  • An API to create your own app/service
  • Bots
  • You can share pictures
  • Voice messages
  • Is quite similar to whatsapp, but..
  • You can use either, the phone, the tablet or your desktop as long as you have internet in the device you are using. No need to have your phone connected.
  • This thing does support GIFs!!!
  • Unfortunately, you have to pay for the data usage in mobile since there is no agreement with carriers to give it for free (as with whatsapp)
  • read more