Y que nos queda a los mexicanos?, nada mas que aguantar los malos manejos.
Y que nos queda a los mexicanos?, nada mas que aguantar los malos manejos.
[KGVID autoplay=”true” loop=”true”]https://islascruz.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/1474044732giphy.gif.mp4[/KGVID]
Dios te está escuchando!
[KGVID height=”240″]https://islascruz.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/14145863_1286004194751684_341220478_n.mp4[/KGVID]
Just a bit of humor related to the fanaticism of some Free Software members.
Como con cualquier desveloper…
Nadie te preguntó, nadie te preguntó…
[tag Eso, it]
Well, just to open VIM, 21 unused cores ?
Turns out that I accidentally disconnected the WiFi adapter in the Proxy…
Super annoying, but this also happens when you are not programming but doing any other work that really needs you to be on focus.
Ho no pooh! That’s not honey, you are eating recursion!!
enter the post to see the animated gif
Programo por comida
What happened to mine??