By now the default is the one that is at the begin of the list, but I can’t sort them the way I like ?.
Si, do you know ?
Basically looks like the site in a frame. And there is one thing that needs to improve, something that needs to change also in the mobile app (iPhone, iPad and possibly in Android too): Integration.
Yes, wordpress needs to integrate with the system, WordPress is by many people used as a CMS more than a blogging system. Many “news” sites use wordpress, maybe they do need to enter to the desktop/web app to write all that stuff, but others use wordpress as a simple blog system.
In a simple blog system not always things are big posts, maybe you just want to share some pictures.
Maybe you want to share just one picture. Maybe you just want to do a quick share.
I mean, is good and other apps like blogo might be wondering what to do with this new official app, what would be the added value that a user will make it use blogo instead of wordpress desktop app, but still, to me a killer feature would be: Integration with the system.
Have you been in tumblr?, I bet you did. There are lots blogs to share (pr0n) gifs, they do the “reblog” feature that I like a lot, in wordpress it is called “press it” and that is nice, having an integration with the system would be awesome, that would really make it a “desktop” app.
There is a way to post by sending an email, and that’s also great, but not having to rely on your email to share an image is great, something like this can make the trick.
I hope this feature to be added soon in both, the desktop and mobile apps.
Just a small post about TripMode a small app (and kernel extension) that helps a lot to control which program is having access to internet, not only incoming connections but more importantly outgoing when you are on a limited connection.
Since a little more than a month I’ve moved to a place where the internet connection was not that good. I used do have 20Mb/s connection and was working perfectly fine, but when I moved here.. well.. the internet was pretty unstable and the bandwidth was like with dial-up modems.
TripMode help me a lot to let some applications use internet, example, Chrome, iTerm, SSH, and some other command line programs, but forbid others like App Store, Updates, the Photos Agent, Dropbox, etc.. of course I can allow any of them whenever I want/need. This to allow all the important apps to have internet, the most possible bandwidth.
That was in the small town where I was a week ago, then one week I didn’t have a landline and I had to use my cellphone internet, which is fast but is expensive, and TripMode helped to limit the internet usage, so I didn’t finish my cellphone’s credit. This was awesome
Note this is not a paid post, I just like this app and deserves my recommendation.