Videollamadas en Messenger ya son posibles |

Algo que todos estaban esperando llega hoy, Stan Chudnovsky, Jefe de producto de Messenger, y Pram Reddy, Gerente de Ingeniería, han anunciado en el blog de Facebook que las videollamadas ahora son posibles a travez de su app de mensajeria Messenger. Se podrán realizar sin importar que no cuenten con el mismo sistema operativo, pues está disponible en Android, iOS y Windows Phone, esto si es novedad para está app de Facebook, pues aunque antes ya se

Source: Videollamadas en Messenger ya son posibles |


Smartphones are becoming featurephones


A bit more than seven years ago, most people used feature phones, a few used some other not so smart thing called handhelds, the most popular: Palm, HP IPaq, and of course, blackberry they were expensive, the mobile internet was bad at that time and of course, you can’t install apps on those things.

Then the smartphones era became true, although there may be a few attempts before, the true star and the one that deserves the credit here is the iPhone, a mobile device that sucks too, you couldn’t install apps and the original intention was to use web apps, but it make using email, browsing, using a contact list, taking pictures and listening to music in a mobile device a charm. (Sorry Nokia, your NXXX weren’t that good).

So, phones became “smart” and by smart I meant they let you do more things with the software.

Now you can install a ton of apps, you can have thousands of songs, pictures or videos, the apps let you edit pictures, watch entire movies, draw/paint and browse internet in a way seven years ago was impossible, and still, smartphones are getting back to be feature phones.

Why feature phones, because if you remember, seven years ago, when you were at the phone house buying a cell phone, you were buying it because of how it looks like, how big the screen it was, how good the camera was, did it included a pair of headphones?, what made you buy a phone was the hardware, not the software. The same thing is happening,

You get a Samsung, Motorola, Nokia, Apple phone, all of them let you do the same thing, so, you buy one or the other because this looks prettier than those, this have a bigger screen, this one is pink and I like pink. A smartphone is no longer identified by its software capabilities.

So, in my opinion what can make a smartphone again a smartphone?, It’s hard to tell, I could say that not the hardware but the software, that the software needs to do something more than what we are used to. Siri, Cortana and Google now are good examples of what makes “smart” a smartphone, but they are available on almost all phones, and the vast majority just ignore them.

Smartphones are doomed, they are not smart, they are just another (bad,reduced) computer, they are just a feature phone.


Lollipop at the Moto G


As you may know, I have a Moto G, a great device at a really low price, it has a 720p display that gives you 320dpi, 16GB of storage which to me is more than enough, 1GB of RAM, again, enough; and the latest version of Android. Well, you may have Android 4.4.4 but you can install Android 5.0 by now.

The Brazilian version of the Moto G, the XT1033 (dual SIM) have now the upgrade if you enrolled to the Motorola feedback program, then getting the OTA was just a matter of time.

In order to upgrade to Lollipop you must flash your device with the Brazilian firmware, you need then an unlocked bootloader, but if you are interested (or desperate) enough to install it I guess you already have it unlocked.

What you will need to have:

  • Unlocked bootloader
  • fastboot
  • adb
  • a custom recovery (eg. TWRP)
  • Brazilian firmware from here.
  • OTA Update from here.

What you will need have to do.

  1. Restore the stock Brazilian firmware
    fastboot flash motoboot motoboot.img
    fastboot flash logo logo.bin
    fastboot flash boot boot.img
    fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
    fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.0
    fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.1
    fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.2
    fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
    fastboot erase modemst1
    fastboot erase modemst2
    fastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
    fastboot erase cache
  2. Boot the phone and let it build the basic structure of the system.
  3. Reboot into the bootloader.
    1. Press the Power Button and the “Vol Down” button for around 5 seconds, then release them, you should see the bootloader menu.
  4. Flash the custom recovery
    fastboot flash recovery custom_recovery.img
  5. Copy the OTA update to the SDCard.
    adb push /sdcard/ 
  6. Flash the stock recovery (from the  stock firmware)
    fastbook flash recovery recovery.img
  7. Then reboot into the stock recovery.
    1. Turn off the phone,
    2. Press the Power Button and the “Vol Down” button for around 5 seconds, then release them, you should see the bootloader menu.
    3. Press one time Vol Down to select “recovery” then hit “Vol Up” to select it.
      1. You should see the Android robot with the belly opened and an alert triangle with it. Don’t worry, you haven’t bricked your phone (yet).
    4. While in this screen, hit Power Button and “Vol Up” for around 3 seconds, the recovery menu should appear.
  8. Select Install update from ZIP
  9. Select the ZIP you put in /sdcard/
  10. Wait for around 15 minutes, until it says that the upgrade is done. The “Patching system files” process is the one that takes that long.
  11. reboot.

Emmmm.... Android developers... Aquí cómo??Habemus lollipop


Did you upgraded to Lollipop? Post your screenshots in the comments 😉


Another thing that iOS needs to improve


I have to create an email for work, I usually respond to email in my computer but since it have no power (I left it like that, I’m doing the monthly maintenance), I tried to do it I my iPad.

The message must contain a PDF file, the good thing is: that file is in Dropbox, so, just get that file and Do the mail. Wrong.

Dropbox in iOS doesn’t let you export the documents, if you want to “share” a file e you send only the link to the file but no the file. In some cases you need to send the file not the link to the file (automatic email processing for example). What did I did?

Took my phone with android, went to Dropbox, hit the three dots button and a menu opened, then select the “export” option, select the GMail app, create my message and sent it. That simple.

iOS is definitively far behind android. Is just not that easy to use.




I’ve recently post about my laptop having almost 4 years, also, if you follow me in twitter/facebook you know my rants about the OS X FS (HFS+) issues related to the IO. Many people have recommended to me to use an SSD disk, I hadn’t basically because of two factors: First, I’m kind of afraid to data loss because the lifespan of the SSD and the price.

Well, I finally put one of this things inside my computer and I’m really happy, let’s see how long this happiness last, I hope at least two years.



P.S. I wonder if “HFS” really means “Holy Fucking Shit!”


Almost 4

This is my computer, for personal and work stuff and is almost four years old, maybe if you own apple product for more time that I’ve done this doesn’t mean nothing, but to me it is, being a PC user for most of my life I’ve never been with a computer this long, the desktops were obsoletes ant the laptops broken, basically from the keyboard.

So, I really love this computer.

from Flickr


New rant about iOS, this time iOS 8


Hi, this is me again And I’m about to talk about why iOS 8 is definitely not the most advanced operating system not even for mobile devices.

I recently got an iPad, I bought a couple of them because I wanted to give a good looking and well integrated device to my wife, she have a computer, which runs Linux from the very first day we get it, but now it is too old and with the kids is almost impossible to have a time to sit at the desktop and work with it, beside, my wife needs I terms of computational power are quite low, she basically Checks Facebook and watch videos in YouTube.

Then I got one too, my requirements are a lot higher than my wife but I already have a decent computer, and a smartphone, why the tablet., well, to read.

being said that, the iPads that my wife and I bought are both an iPad Mini, no retina display. It should fit our needs, and it actually do, my wife is pretty happy with her tablet and kindle works pretty fine un the iPad, the obvious benefit is the bigger screen.

But there are still hard corners in the iPad which I believe they are not fixed even getting the latest model, let me explain.

Apps are still second class citizens, they can’t talk to each other and while in iOS 8 there is a way to let one app accept content from another (to share) there is still much work to do, iOS should have done this years ago. And why this just came?, well, iOS apps are apps, complete programs that open one window, then switch windows but only inside that app, there was no way to go directly to one app screen without passing through the others. On the other side Android have intents, one app is formed by several intents, actions that can be called by any other app, the developer just have to define those intents in the app manifesto and that’s al, Android as platform will let other apps know at there is an intent that fill the need to share data.

There’s  still no way to set your preferred apps, I like the Mail app, I like Safari, but I would love to set my preferred Browser (which is Chrome), set my default twitter client, my default camera app, etc… No way in iOS world. Microsoft faced a lawsuit because IE was installed by default and cannot be uninstalled in Windows, they were forced to modify their operating system to remove IE and ask you which browser do you want to use, why is this not the case with Apple?

iOS is definitely a one app only operating system, and I don’t mean having two apps in the screen at the same time, I mean switching between apps seamlessly, leaving an App means it will go to sleep mode, but frequently that mode means that the app will have to reload itself when you get back, do that while you are editing text (let’s say, a post like this), it sucks. Another example, Dropbox, you can’t use camera uploads if you don’t have Dropbox open… It sucks.

I hope that Apple will do something with his operating system to fill all those gaps, until that iOS may be a nice looking operating system and the apps would work fine (although I feel they are a lot limited because they are isolated, they don’t work together), but definitively Android is far, far more advanced than iOS, you can notice that because Apple is copying now what Android had years ago.

And then he said, iOS 8 is the most advanced operating system
