Replacing the auto focus flex of a Canon 18-55 IS lens

A couple of days ago I got the flex for the focus mechanism in my 18-55 camera lens, but in my lack of experience I didn’t do a god job, the focus moved, and the camera tried to focus (it really tries) but the image remained blurry. So I had to put the flex in place again, the first attempt was not perfect. In order to do this. Here some pictures.

Fixing the camera lens

I have a problem with my camera, there’s a small cable that is flexible and helps to get the autofocus working, the problem is that with the time and usage the flex got broken, and then autofocus stop working.

I ask a friend that is very skilled soldering stuff, he usually repair broken motherboards, I asked if he could join the flex, he told me that he can, he would charge $300MXN (about $16.5 USD) to do the job. I found in mercadolibre (similar to eBay) the same flex I needed for $150 (about $8.3USD). So, I bought one and my goal was trying to fix the lens by myself. read more

Do you have more than one iDevice, install iOS Beta in one of them

Of course install it on a non-primary, non-daily-driver device because as far as I can tell, is unstable and slow, not what you’d expect from a stable release, but hey, you know that, it’s beta software.

So, why install it??, as far as Beta 3 it’s kind of usable with some minor glitches and slow response of the keyboard, but you’ll get the updates and will known when it is ready for you to use with your iPhone or daily-drive device.

You can get used to the mayor changes that it introduces… did you know that the keyboard layout for non-letters keys changed?? read more