I wonder what is Sofia drawing Posted on August 14, 2016 by marco Sofia loves to draw in this application (53).
So, the pizza became Hamburgers because the kids need a place to play Posted on August 4, 2016 by marco
I hate when this happens Posted on July 27, 2016 by marco Yes, kind of cheap headphones but since this is a warm place, the heat and sweats makes the headphones to peel ?.
Sweet coffee give me your powers Posted on June 30, 2016 by marco I need them. Is there any song similar to black sabbath sweet leaf but for coffee ??
Less than two months Posted on January 14, 2016 by marco Is less than two months since we got the Apple TV. Well, probably two months I usually don’t keep an exact record of when I bought stuff, and there are several dents there. Is impossible to have things in order and perfect state whe you have kids 🙁
I hate to be sick Posted on January 14, 2016 by marco I was hoping to be OK to eat this snack but as I am now it is not prudent
One of the iguanas that are in the backyard. Posted on January 5, 2016 by marco Unfortunately they go down to get some food but Nina and Jojo doesn’t like iguanas 🙁
Sky #nofilter Image | Posted on January 5, 2016 by marco The other version of this picture hosted in flickr…
Just got back in home and I found this Image | Posted on January 3, 2016 by marco Nina and Jojo killed an Iguana.