Worried by the MacBook performance? it seems it performs better than a MacBook Pro

At least in the benchmarks, it performs better than the MacBook Pro 2012 according to GeekBench.

vs the MacBook Pro 2012 (Intel Core i5)

Close numbers, but remember that one is fanless (MacBook) and is a low power consumption CPU.

Now, would I get one MacBook ? Definitively NO!, the reason: The port. One single port for everything is just.. no, no way.

How your computer performs? post in the comments 🙂

Btw, Erica’s video is here: http://bit.ly/28fZfGc

The best MacBook Pro is the one that is obsolete

As you might noticed from this blog and my twitter account, I have (and love) my MacBook Pro, is not the new one, is actually an “obsolete” one, the MacBook Pro 13″ that is not retina display.

It has been failing to me in the last couple of months until now that is completely death. So long my beloved MacBook Pro 13″ (early 2011). Five years straight. There is still a chance to get it back if I can get a new charging sensor circuit, but I don’t rely on that.

So, I have to get a new one. And I’ve got: The MacBook Pro 9.2 (Late 2012). As you can see, is a bit “old” (although this one was built on March 2016). read more