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Para mis amigos interesados en aprender a programar, principalmente los que le tienen el ojo echado a Python, O’Reilly ofrece 20 libros en forma electrónica para descarga.

Hay libros de varias categorías, entre ellas Python, Java, Open Source y arquitectura de software. Lo mejor es que se pueden descargar en tres formatos principales: ePub (iBooks), mobi (Kindle) o el mas universal PDF, además se pueden guardar directamente a Google Drive.

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Last Saturday I went with my father and a friend to take some measures of my father’s orange field, a not so simple task to forget about the daily work (yes, work can help you to relax) and also a chance to get some really fresh oranges (just taken from the tree).

Since my father has used zero fertiliser, grass killer or any other chemical the oranges are pure joy! some of them taste like lime, some others are a bit acid (like normal oranges), I easily ate four in the 20 minutes we were there (after we measure the field) and took at least 30 to home, my dad took another bunch to home and to my brother, Marcos (my friend in the picture below) did the same. read more