What is the best desktop email client for Linux ?

I’m posting it here because I would like to have the answers in the comments of this post. I’ve been using for a long long time but also since 2010 I’m using OS X as my main desktop.

When I’m in Linux I usually check my emails in thunderbird or sometimes with evolution. Both are good but also both have their own issues.

Evolution is somewhat integrated with Ubuntu, by default the calendar and contacts are used in Ubuntu although the email client is not installed by default, for that Thunderbird is the choice, but I see that contacts are not synced (I’m using gmail as mail provider). Thunderbird have a nice notification widget but… contacts don’t sync natively.

Also, evolution is quite outdated, using it feels like being in the GNOME 2.X age.

So, for you which one is the best desktop email client for Linux, please consider:

  • Good looking
  • Integration with the rest of the OS
  • Easy of use (like drag and dropping attachments – in evolution you need to drop in a specific part to add the attachment, if you drop in the message area it add a link to a file)
  • Integration with other services (dropbox, evernote, etc..)

Thanks for your help.
