Press this, or the way WordPress do a reblog.

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If you have been using WordPress for a long time this may sound dumb since you may had this option for a long time, I just discovered.

Tumblr is the biggest competition to wordpress, one of its key feature is the “reblog” where you can just reblog a post and have it in your blog. So, we can see blogs that are entirely reblogs, from multiple sites and sometimes it is easier to just follow that blog because they have information from multiple sources you don’t have to be looking for.

tumblr_inline_mj12i5qOW61qz4rgpTo me this is a good thing, not to “steal” content from other blogs, but I see that some sites like Twitter and Facebook, they live because of the content we display on them, its like a deal, you let me use your service for free, you put ads in the timeline and live with the content I’m creating. I’ve been trying to keep my stuff with me and by myself, aside from flickr, my blog, my email and other stuff is with me, I’m not a purist, I use Gmail and some other services, but what belongs to me and I do care about it is in my server and with my services.

So, if I post to twitter, to me is good to share via my blog, so you can visit my blog too.

“Press this” is not just a “reblog” system, I can add text so I can add a comment to that post, so I share that post, and since I add my point of view and more importantly I’m adding a link to the source I’m not stealing any content.


