So, this is my review of the 2014.

The good things:

  • New year new baby, I started this year with a newborn, although she was born in Dec 17 2013, she was only 14 days when 2014 started.
  • I released a lot of stress caused by a debt with the bank.
  • We move the family business to another place where we are exposed to more people, all of them potential customers ;-).
  • Sofia and Diego are more and more independent. Sofia is 5 years old but she is pretty smart, she questions everything, “Why this..? why that..?”, sometimes too many questions may be irritating but I prefer that, she needs to keep asking, being curious. Diego just plays a lot.
  • Ana started to walk, she is still learning.
  • I’ve got a new cellphone (twice) and finally got a tablet.
  • I moved from the old blog to this, made in WordPress.
  • Made 4 years working with SpamExperts.

The Bad Things:

  • I’ve been robbed, and my brother too.
  • The social/economical situation of the country is every day worse, 2014 is clearly not a good year for Mexico.
  • My PS3 died.
  • We couldn’t make it to visit my parents in law in Chiapas this year. I hope we can do it in the first months of 2015.
  • I couldn’t make it to have a healthier way of life.
  • I have to work a lot, I spend most of my day working.

What I hope for the next year:

  • Be healthier.
  • Visit my parents in law.
  • Increase my business opportunities with friends that I know my knowledge could help them.
  • Move away from where I’m currently living. Me and my wife have been thinking in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, but we are also thinking in other places, including another country.
  • Reduce my working hours. I need to have more time for my kids, for my wife and me.
  • Maintain my Android apps and create a couple of apps that I have in mind.
  • Renew my laptop.
